Step into a a world where ancient wisdom meets a (r)evolutionary movement

I'm Mitlé, a Circle Holder, dedicated to honouring the sacred tradition of Sharing Circles while reimagining their contribution to these (r)evolutionary times. If you answer "yes" to these questions, I would be honoured to welcome you into The Grove.

  • Does the idea of sharing circles being spaces of sanctuary for collective care resonate with you?

  • Is embracing business as a channel for sacred activism and economic justice congruent with your beliefs?

  • Are you seeking support to embody the principles of circle in your life, business and community roles?

  • Does creating safer, inclusive, and collaborative sharing circles for your clients and community align with your values?

  • Do you wish to deepen your capacity as a space holder, facilitator and ceremonialist through peer mentoring and learning?

  • Are you seeking ethical coaching and practical resources from an experienced, intuitive, heart-led Circle Holder in business?

Cross The Threshold

Take your place in our Circle of sanctuary and rebellion as we navigate collective uncertainty and transition whilst dedicating ourselves to our communities and choosing not to abandon our businesses. Together we meet our challenges and hopes including:

  • filling your circles consistently
  • being visible
  • meeting your income goals
  • holding more / regular circles
  • feeling less isolated on this "solopreneur" journey
  • feeling supported by peers on a similar path
  • showing up for your business and community in these chaotic and (r)evolutionary times
  • creating the time / space to work "on" your business
  • creating the time / space to grow and nurture your community
  • continuing to deepen your capacity as a Circle Holder
  • having more fun and play
  • using your voice for social and environmental justice
  • contributing to the world in a meaningful way in these times

Join our Wild Village

Step into our wild village of sanctuary and rebellion where we encourage and support each other with loving accountability on our individual and collective paths of service in these (r)evolutionary times.

  • Community and Circles

    Between gatherings we stay connected in our private community space (away from social media) and our Voxer Chat Group. We gather for 8 Seasonal Sharing and Ritual Circles aligning with the Wheel of the Year for deeper connection and ceremony.

  • Coaching and Council

    We have a monthly drop-in coaching call with Mitlé; you can join live or submit your questions in advance. Our monthly Wisdom Council is our unique and sacred version of peer to peer mentoring. We utilise a council architecture and process created by Mitlé.

  • Co-Creating and Co-Crafting

    Every week there is an opportunity to gather for co-creating or co-crafting. This includes co-working sessions, writing circles and crafting classes with guest teachers. There are also opportunities to contribute to community projects and collaborations.

  • Classes and Courses

    Each month, with her unique blend of the practical, ethical and mystical, Mitlé delivers a class focusing on our personal and professional practices and processes as Circle Holders and business owners (and the many roles those encompass!) . Each quarter we have a live round of a course. The next live course is Gather.

Gather Around Our Virtual Fire

Reimagining ways to be in relationship with ourselves, each other and our work, The Grove is rooted in the principles of self-reliance, shared responsibility and co-creation.

  • Collective Care

    We tend to our collective need for connection and ceremony. We make generous assumptions about one another and actively seek to support and care for each other. We intentionally create a safer space where each of us can belong.

  • Co-Creation

    We each have a role in co-creating The Grove as an online eco-system of our own mycelial networks of interconnection and inspiration. We gather to share and witness, to work and play, to teach and learn.

  • Collaboration

    We share our upcoming circles, events, courses, retreats and projects so we can cheerlead and spread the word. We create opportunities for creative collaborations with each other and community projects within The Grove.

  • Conspire

    We are conspiring to reimagine our world and meet the needs of these (r)evolutionary times through Circle medicine. We embrace Circle work as sacred activism and support each other on our individual and collective paths of contribution and service at this point in the world's story.

  • Circle Resources

    Access to recordings of classes with Mitlé and guests, coaching calls, guided journeys & meditations, Circle Planner Journal, Guide to Creating Your Own Rituals, Soul Service Astrology Matrix by Kellie Guenther, Spotify playlists and more.

A Space of Sanctuary and Rebellion

We offer sanctuary to one another and tend to our hearts' call to rebel.

In meaningful ways we are deepening our capacity for relationship with ourselves, each other and the greater whole, whilst sustaining our businesses and sharing our work with the world.

Please read before joining

The Grove is facilitated by Mitlé in alignment with the principles of self-reliance, shared responsibility and co-creation.

  • How much is the membership?

    The Grove is currently £37 per month. The membership rate changes from time to time but you remain on the rate that you joined at for the length of your membership. If you cancel your membership and rejoin, you rejoin at the membership rate at that time.

  • Is there a minimum membership period?

    The Grove is offered as a monthly membership and you can cancel your membership at any time (up to 48 hours before your next payment is due). However, when joining I ask that you are committed to being a member for a minimum of 3-months so that you can experience the fullness of what is offered and have an opportunity to engage. The monthly subscription will remain at the amount you joined at for the life of your membership. If you leave, you are very welcome to join again at any time at the current membership rates.

  • When are the gatherings and are they recorded?

    There is at least one gathering a week and they take place at a variety of times and on different days in order to accommodate multiple time zones. The classes and coaching sessions are recorded and made available in our on-line Library together with additional resources. Our Circles, Councils and Co-Working sessions are not recorded.

  • Do I need to be on social media to access The Grove?

    As a Grover, you have access to the live calls on Zoom (see above- When are the gatherings and are they recorded?), we have a community space on Thinkific for sharing, connecting and where details of our gatherings are shared. This is accessed via an App or on your desktop. We also have a Voxer group for staying connected in real time between Zoom sessions. Many of us are on social media and we support and cheerlead each other in these spaces, but The Grove is not hosted on social media.

  • Is The Grove a course for circle holders?

    The Grove is a space for Circle Holders to connect, explore, learn together, collaborate and co-create. It is not a course and there is no curriculum to follow. Mitlé will not be teaching you how to hold Circles. Classes offered will cover a diverse range of topics. You can engage as you choose to and within your capacity. You can attend live calls, connect in the community space and support and cheerlead other Grovers out on the internet! Mitlé also runs live rounds of her courses during the year. If you have already purchased the course you continue to have lifetime access. If you have not purchased the course, you will be given access to the live version of the course for the period of the live round. If you're seeking circle training rather than community, please begin with Gather:

  • I am a new Circle Holder, am I welcome in this space?

    All Circle Holders are welcome to join, participate and contribute within your capacity. We will be learning together (from and with each other) but this not a course. Mitlé does run live rounds of her courses during the year. If you have already purchased the course you continue to have lifetime access. If you have not purchased the course, you will be given access to the live version of the course for the period of the live round. If you're seeking circle training rather than community, please begin with Gather:

  • What if my question isn't answered here?

    Please email [email protected] and I will get back to you.

The Grove is facilitated by Mitlé

Together we are embracing the power of Circle to offer us spaces of collective care and sacred activism, and to contribute meaningfully to our lives, businesses and communities.

I invite you to imagine yourself walking through an ancient woodland to take your place in our Grove amidst the trees and with the more than human world. 

And just as the mycelial networks reach out underground, we reach out to each other to co-create, conspire, collaborate, connect, gather in ceremony and share stories around our virtual fire.

As the founder of Circle School, I teach internationally and have facilitated circles, retreats and courses since 2016. 

Bringing my unique blend of the practical, ethical and mystical, I guide wellbeing practitioners to remember the ancient practice of circles and reimagine them to hold enriching gatherings in these times.  

As a former lawyer who retrained in wellbeing modalities, I seek ways to contribute to a more equitable and just world. 

I am committed to increasing my capacity to hold diverse, inclusive and safer spaces for those marginalised by the current systems, and to support this community to hold powerful, inclusive and accessible gatherings online and in-person. 

My practice is more than facilitation—it's a testament to the potential for connection and community. 

I am parenting a wildling and when not in Circle, I can usually be found playing in the woods or swimming in sea. In those rare moments of solitude, you’ll find me curled up with my ginger cat on my lap, a cup of Earl Grey tea and a pile of books! 

With you in Circle in these wild times

What other's say about The Grove

A good stretch to this work

Tanya Forgan

I’m thoroughly enjoying the connections I’m making within The Grove. It’s great to have a space to connect with other people that are facilitating circles and share, learn and listen. I personally feel anyone holding space should have a place where they explore with peers. It gives a good stretch to this work.

Connection & Collaboration

Viknesvari d/o Piche Muthu

I joined The Grove to deeply connect, collaborate and be in community with like-minded people. I am loving the various options available to gather such as Council meeting, Book Cabin and Co-Conspirator sessions! The best part is you can either choose to attend all sessions, some or just the ones that works best for you - which provides great flexibility with no pressure. Mitle is an incredible circle facilitator and I have always enjoyed the inclusive spaces that she holds. She has come up with creative ways for the community to collaborate and I’m feeling very excited to contribute!

A Sanctuary for Circle Holders

(Bex) Rebecca Minerva

The grove is a sanctuary for circle holders, a nutrient dence space to tend to our practices. Sharing with and supporting each other vital for our longevity and Mitlé has created a steadying and an ideal environment for this. A blessing I had been asking for and an opportunity I jumped at. The Grove is gentle, but it holds so much.

Seen & Valued, Supported & Inspired

Kathryn Sullivan

I joined the Grove to continue my apprenticeship with Mitlé - she is nothing short of the crème de la crème when it comes to space holding and circle facilitating. What I didn’t expect was to be met by a beautiful community of like-hearted souls. I can bring my whole, messy self into this space - nothing to hide, no one to impress - and I feel seen and valued, supported and inspired, just as I am. What a gift to be held in this way by Mitlé and my peers as I continue to grow as a space holder. I am deeply grateful to be a part of this group - the Grove is my happy place!

Authenticity & Care

TeAroha Haunui

Mitlé has a level of authenticity, care and nurturing that makes you feel safe and secure in working alongside her. She is well versed in her knowledge of Circle and the importance of this for the greater whole. She encourages you to delve deeper into yourself so that you can harness the energy of Circle and support others to transform too.

Shared Wisdom

Yvette Munasinghe

The reason I joined Grove is to be in constant connection with the work Mitle does. She is a walking library, a person of great knowledge, wisdom and creates space like no other for you to be held in as you navigate life. The people who are called to join her in Circle and the work she does adds to her ability to help you gain a deeper insight in your life. The community She is creating in The Grove is one of inclusion, for identity and cultures in a constant flow for growth within yourself, your capacity to hold Circles and working with other who hold the same intention for the magic that is weaved in Circle.

Space to share and learn

Anna Casey

I love that The Grove is a space to share and learn. In practical terms there are so many opportunities to engage with others in different ways that it gives a tonne of flexibility without feeling like you have to be involved with everything. Mitlé, as always, is phenomenally generous in her offerings, and for me this lets me engage with the parts I feel most called to. It has spurred me on and I have a gorgeous outdoor space to hold my circles and my recent one-day retreat sold out.

Wisdom & Support

Katie Carswell

The wisdom and support of not only Mitlé but other circle holders is incredibly valuable. It’s such a wonderful community & resource to be part of, from the very practical to the emotional. I’m hugely grateful to be part of it. I wouldn’t be without it.