What you'll learn

Circles have the potential to contribute in powerful and meaningful ways to our communities. For folk to experience the magic and medicine of your Circles, they need to be there!

  • 5-key principles to growing your community with integrity and how to apply them to your Circles.

  • How to blend clarity, strategy and intuition to create your long-term plan for filling your Circles that feels good.

  • The 6Rs Framework for a flourishing circle eco-system.

How You'll Learn

Delivered in a self-study format, Fully Booked consists of 10 video lessons, an extensive course workbook, implementation steps and helpful bonus resources.

    1. Welcome from Mitlé

    2. Intellectual Property

    3. Join The Circle Collective

    4. How the course works

    1. 1A. Opening Grounding Practice

    2. 1B. You're In the Right Place

    3. 2. The 6Rs Circle Nexus Framework

    4. 3. Relationships

    5. 4. Reliability

    6. 5. Reputation

    7. 6. Referrals

    8. 7. Reflection

    9. 8. Repetition

    10. 9. A Holistic Approach

    11. 10. Filling your Circles

    1. Nurture Your Community & Fill your Circles Workbook.

    1. Q&A Recording

    2. 6-Steps to Filling your Circles

    3. 100 Ways to Grow & Nurture your Community and Fill your Circles

    4. Questions to ask yourself when planning your Circle

    5. One Page Plan

    1. What else would be helpful?

    2. Related Courses

    3. Before you go...feedback please?

About this course

  • £47.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

This is for your if:

  • You want to step out of the hustle of trying to fill your Circles each time and implement a long-term plan that feels doable and good!

  • You don't believe in a one size fits all approach but you would like to embrace a proven and flexible framework that you adapt to work for your Circles and your community.

  • You're not looking to grow an audience as fast as you can; but rather nurture and tend to your community over the longer-term to create longevity for your Circles (and other offerings).

What other's Say

Reflections from our Community

Plenty of Practical Tools

Vanessa Beauchamp Heeney

I attended Mitle's 'Nuture your Community & Fill your Circles' workshop because I was looking for practical ideas on how to grow my current community that also feel good to me. I value Miltle's integrity and vast experience running and filling her own community spaces and knew I wasn't going to get 'salesy' advice that I wouldn't want to put into practice. My biggest takeaway was on reframing 'consistency' with being trustworthy! This is huge for me because consistency hasn't been a word I've particularly liked to embody. I can see how important it is to build a sense of safety with my audience and within my community spaces so that I can build trust between us. There was so much gold in this training and plenty of practical tools to work with that I can go back to for reference going forward. I recommend this training for anyone wishing to grow their community or fill their circles and/or courses in ways that are sustainable and foster genuine connections and support systems.

Easy to implement straight away

Bree Horvat @heart.centred.mothering

Packed with so much useful information to help you connect with your community in a genuine way, that felt doable. The practical suggestions also gave life to the content so I have been easily able to implement it straight away. With Mitlé's guidance I have been able to fill my most recent circles by setting up the structures and then trusting in the process. Highly recommend for all circle holders.

Learnt how to show up

Viknesvari d/o Piche Muthu

I’ve finally learnt how to show up, especially in the online world, by embracing and expressing all of my gifts. Circle School goes beyond holding Circles. It has been a deep transformation for me.

Space to relax and breathe

Therésa Garcia @circleswitht

Mitlé has a knack for making the complex seem simple. Being fairly new to circle holding I feel so much more confident having the Circle school skills and Presence training behind me. I was worried about the content I would be using as a framework for circles and also how to fill circles in a way that has integrity. I don't feel that fear any more. Mitle's recent workshop on how to fill circles gave me space to relax and breathe. I have worked out what I am responsible for and what is not my responsibility. I am content to be led by the framework and by participants. Thank you Mitle for giving us that framework and also to trust that with integrity we can call in those that wish to participate alongside us.

Warm and Pragmatic Approach

Lisa Mabberley @mother_nurture_and_wild

This workshop came at a time when I was sitting with a burning desire to bring a particular circle journey into being whilst holding some resistance and questions over how viable it was. Mitlé's warm and pragmatic approach to the subject was steeped in her vast experience of circle-holding, her knowledge of how needed these spaces are and her practical business experience. I came away feeling clearer, with more trust in my idea and the inspiration to move it forward.

Highly Recommend

Nicolette Evans

I joined Mitlé's training because I wanted to understand the nuts and bolts of creating, promoting and sustaining a women's circle from someone who has tried and tested different methods. I wasn't disappointed. Mitlé shared a practical, thought-provoking and thorough framework that covered all my questions. I particularly enjoyed learning about managing relationships and the energy within a circle, taking time out for reflections and her suggestions about charging. I'd highly recommend it for anyone about to start their own circle or wanting to sustain an existing one.

Fully Booked

I'm ready and willing to nurture and grow my community and fill my circles.

Meet your Guide

With you in Circle in wild times

Founder Circle School Mitlé Southey

I believe in the power of Circle to offer us spaces of collective care and sacred activism, and to contribute meaningfully to our lives and businesses. As the founder of Circle School, I teach internationally and have facilitated circles, retreats and courses since 2016. I bring my unique blend of the practical, ethical and mystical to making the complex simple and creating frameworks that you can adapt for your Circles and your business.


  • Was this a live course?

    The was originally a live class that I delivered in July 2023. In September 2023 I turned it into this course format. This allows you to better review the course at a later date, and for me to be able to update and add to it over time.

  • Is this a course about growing your email list?

    Growing your list is part of nurturing your circle community but this course is rooted in intentionally tending to relationships with integrity and enjoyment! It's probably the foundation of actually growing an email list.

  • Is this for introverts?

    I describe myself as an introvert and in this course I share my experience and the framework that I've created. Introverts make incredible Circle Holders and we love deep and meaningful relationships and conversations. My approach works for us because it's rooted in genuine relationships that we care about. Having said, the framework is flexible and can be applied to your business in the way that works best for you and your energy.

  • I don't like using social media, will this course still be helpful?

    Absolutely! The course focuses on approaches that can be applied to the marketing channels and platforms that you use. In the helpful bonuses you all receive 100 ideas for sharing your Circles which includes many that don't involve social media. Having said that, using social media tools like Facebook Events can be helpful in filling your Circles.

  • Is this for new or experienced Circle Holders.

    Both! Wherever you are on your Circle holding journey this course can help you to nurture and grow your community and fill your circles. One of reasons for creating this course was because I was having so many conversations with experienced circle holders who were pouring their heart and soul into their Circle but they weren't filling. This course is an expansion of the module in Circle Skills to deepen into your understanding of the framework and implement it.

  • What if I don't learn anything new?

    I believe that my framework is useful and doable (and I'm applying for a trademark!) and if you apply and implement what you've learnt you will grow your community and find it easier to fill your circles. However, if after you've looked through the course and the workbook and feel you didn't learn anything helpful or useful for your business, let me know within 7-days. This is not if you change your mind. I will send you a form to complete to share feedback and share how it didn't meet your expectations (so that I can improve my marketing message!) and will offer you a refund. You can find my full Terms of Service and usual refund policy here: https://mitlesouthey.com/terms-of-service/

  • I have a question that isn't answered here?

    Please email me at [email protected]

Step out of the stress and hustle of filling your Circles.

Learn a practiced 6-part framework to grow your community and fill your Circles in a way that feels good!

Apply practical insights, embody a holistic approach and embrace implementation steps that you can align with your values, and incorporate grow and nurture a community of like-hearted folk to come to your Circles.